How to correcly import an asset from 3ds

Hello guys.

Everytime I try to import a model from 3ds to Unreal Engine, I always get some errors like: “Textures are not a power of two”… bla bla bla

What does it mean?

I also get this error: modelName has degenerate tangent bases which will result in incorrect shading.

Can someone of you tell me how to correctly import a mesh to UE? I can’t understand where I’m wrong!

Thanks in advance!


power of 2 texture sizes = 16/32/64/128/256/512/1024/2048/4096, they need to be those sizes so the texture res can drop when you move further away from your model.

have you created UV’s for your model?

So EVERY texture must be 16x16, 32x32, 64x64 ecc?

It’s a single material that gets applied on the whole model… so I don’t need to use the UVW Mapping

Yep, every texture should be in power of two, because otherwise you wont have any mip maps :wink:
Even when you just apply 1 material to your mesh, you should UV map (when you just use a basic colour like red, you dont have to do it)

yes and no, if its for a model its best to use those sizes so the res can drop as your distance from it increases to help with performance, if its for say your menu and you don’t want/need the res to drop you don’t have to use them. you can also mismatch the sizes EG: 128x512, 1024x2048…ect.

true but that’s why its giving you that error, I would recommend adding a UV even if its just a quick one to get rid of the error(you might be able to get away without a UV and just ignoring the error though).

The material, in fact, is a simple green material with a certain specular value applied on it. Nothing more, nothing less.

But the same I get the errors of the “not power of two” and “modelName has degenerate tangent bases which will result in incorrect shading” …

Furthemore, on 3ds I have this barrels textured using the Composite Maps: ://prntscr/7gu7x4

When I render the scene, the barrels look like this: ://prntscr/7gu827

BUT, in Unreal Engine, they look like in the first screen.

I can’t understand…

That’s because of the UV map -> just create one and everything will be solved :slight_smile:

That’s because of the UV map -> just create one and everything will be solved :)v=G1SI82IhqKI[/QUOTE]

For the composite mapping, I used 2 UVW MAPS: 1 for the green material and 1 for the warning “deathly” signal ://prntscr/7gueyg