So, recently I have been working on a racing game with semi realistic physics. I had the car being accelerated by calling the AddForce() function every frame when the player wanted the car to move. That worked fine at start, but when testing the car movement with different framerates, I noticed that the car would reach much greater distances in a determined time with lower framerates, the highest distance was reached with 30fps since the default Max Physics Delta Time is 1/30. Anyhow, since I didn’t want people to play the game with 30fps to gain an advantage, I started thinking for a solution and ended up having a code like this:
void AEpicCar::MoveForward(float Value) // yes the name of the car class is EpicCar
if (Value == 0.0f)
// all the "speed" variables are floats
this->ForwardSpeedOneTickBefore = this->ForwardSpeed; // caching the current speed for later use
this->ForwardSpeed += Value * this->MaxMovementSpeed * GetWorld()->GetDeltaSeconds(); // increasing the value of ForwardSpeed so the car will accelerate
void AEpicCar::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)
// calculating the exact amount the car should've moved during the latest frame
// by averaging the current speed multiplied by DeltaTime and the last frame's speed multiplied by DeltaTime
AddActorLocalOffset(GetActorForwardVector() * (this->ForwardSpeed* DeltaSeconds * 0.5f + this->ForwardSpeedOneTickBefore * DeltaSeconds * 0.5f));
Now, I could just use that code and do all the other physics stuff my self, but that would be a lot of work. So the question is:
Is there any way to to add forces framerate independently with the Unreal Engine physics API? And if not, why aren’t they calculating accelerating movements like I did? It just feels like I am missing something very obvious here. And please note that I am not a physics expert by any means so what I am doing might not make any sense.