How to access underlying blueprint code from within the UObject it was created from?

I have a UObject with several UPROPERTIES. When I create a blueprint out of this UObject, the editor creates a nice UI labels for various properties, textboxes for text types, various expaners for containers, etc.

Is there any way I can hook myself into that blueprint widget data from the UObject it was based on?
I would like to listen to certain events happening (like a combo box being opened) and maybe trigger some events myself (such as expanding a container).

I know there is a layer with deals with FProperties, FFiles, UStructs and similar. I also know I can access it by overriding OnPostEdit (and similar) virtual functions, however, this only gets me to the FProperty layer. I still can’t get to the heart of the blueprint, to listen to various UI and widget events.

Is there any way I can access this data without modifying the engine?

Also, on a semi-related note, could you fix your forums so I can post my questions/discussions in the appropriate sub-forums with appropriate tags?