How many Landscapes would I need?

Hi all, new to the forum, but worked on UE4 years ago (when I went to school for 3D-Animation/Game Design years ago [Just got back into it for fun or to try and make a game with some friends]) I get that there can be several Landscapes in your World Outliner, but my biggest concern is performance overall. I want the map to be in total 24 minutes to get across (with default ThirdPersonCharacter movement speed).
I have a Landscape that is:

64 x 64 in Component Resolution

64 Component Count

Component Subsection 1 x 1

Resolution 505 x 505

Landscape Count 1

But, the thing is, it’s scaled to 1,987 on X and Y to accommodate. I’ve tried looking through YouTube and Documentation and can’t find a whole lot of information about it. I guess local to relativity scaling to try and get close to real life scaling is hard? Or I just can’t find the answer to my question through the forums I look at.

I looked into World Machine, but it’s too randomized for the hills/mountains, etc. for what I’m wanting to do. If I were to do multiple Landscapes and do hills/mountains on the border of the “map” they obviously aren’t sculpted to where it’s connected. I know there’s a plugin to sew/stitch them together, but I don’t want to spend money on a plugin.

I just might have to meticulously, slowly sculpt the end of each landscape to do what I need done.

Anyone that can provide an answer and an explanation as to why you go that way.

Thank you.

I think what you are looking for is World Composition which allows you to stream landscapes. The largest a landscape can be at 1:1 (1 pixel = 1 meter) is about 5km give or take. To keep same resolution and have infinite large world, you would use World Composition. The drawback right now, is that it does not support Multiplayer as far as I know, unless something has changed. Here are some links to info:

Live Training Video:

You can also take a look at the Open World Demo under the Learn Tab of Epic Launcher

You will most likely need separate software or plugin to create your heightmaps. I use World Creator 2 which is great. Or look into thenew landscape features in 4.24 and see if they have added new tools for creating World Composition heightmaps

I saw something about World Composition, but definitely not the training video you linked or close to what the documentation has to say about it.
Yeah, I was wanting to not use World Creator 2, but if this training video doesn’t do what I need to do (hopefully I don’t have to generate the full map to where physics can barely be stable on the map), probably just have to buy World Creator 2 since 3 is coming out sometime this year I believe.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Unfortunately the video didn’t provide any answers that I needed for my project, but answered one of my questions out of curiosity.

Maybe I can try and re-explain it:

I have two landscapes side-by-side. I’m sculpting the terrain but I’m wanting to do like grass on one landscape and desert on the other landscape. Blending it is no problem, but when I sculpt a hill/mountain, they are not connected because they’re on separate landscapes. Any way to get that to work without buying a plug in to automatically sew it for me?

I do believe 3 is coming out this year, and keep tabs on te discord channel and it seems as though 3 is going to be a pretty big update, so if you can wait, might be better to wait, or email him and ask him how much it will be to upgrade when 3 comes out. depends on your time dependencies i guess and if you can wait.

Found this thread discussing this same thing:

Here is a snippet from the discussion:
@Chrys I’ve looked into this before. If you manually set up the levels in world composition, UE4 will not let you sculpt across borders. UE4 only allows this if you had imported as a tiled landscape.

You mentioned that you export your world from an external tool. If the tool gives you multiple raw16 files, name them as such: _x_y.r16
where TileNumX and TileNumY ranges from 0 to the number of tiles - 1. This will allow you to import as a tiled landscape.

If you are getting just one big raw16 file, then you’ll need to separate the files into multiple raw16 files. The values of the borders between tile files must be the same value (they must match).

If you already have a landscape in UE4 that you want to keep, you can try this:

  1. For each landscape, export its heightmap from the Landscape Editor.
    Note: If the borders don’t already match before you export, you need to either make them match here first by forcing them to some value, or later but before you reimport as a tiled landscape.
  2. Rename the tiles as I mentioned above: _x_y.r16
  3. Reimport back into UE4 as a tiled landscape.

Here is another valuable snippet from discussion:
If you want to then edit the landscape by hand, you can. If you edit the edge, just make sure you have both maps loaded and visible in the levels panel.

So, maybe try loading images of the correct size etc. (they could b blank?) and then after importing, it sounds like you would be able to edit the borders if both landscapes are loaded and visible?

I don’t think it’s possible in what I’m trying to do, as you described. The video is a workaround it, but it definitely isn’t a great alternative. I’ve noticed on large scaled maps, on the grid where those places connect they tend to leave it flat, roads, blended materials and what not rather than terrain. So I’ll probably have to think of ways around it. Thank you!