Hello have help witch UT4 then i try launch see this message:Failed to open descriptor file …/…/…/UE4/UE4.projectlink text
here my dxdiag file.P.s thanks
Hello have help witch UT4 then i try launch see this message:Failed to open descriptor file …/…/…/UE4/UE4.projectlink text
here my dxdiag file.P.s thanks
Hi Colosuss,
Are you trying to launch Unreal Tournament 4 or the Unreal Engine 4?
Yes i try launch Unreal Tournament 4 not Unreal Engine.And after i launch i see that error
Hi Colosuss,
This is the Unreal Editor 4 AnswerHub. For the best response to your issue, please post it on the troubleshooting section of the Unreal Tournament Forums.