How do I spawn a BP Actor after destroying another?

1: Create Static Mesh
2: Create Destructible Mesh
3: Create Blueprint From Destructible Mesh
4: Spawn Destructible Mesh Blueprint in game on “Event BeginpPay”
5: Destroy Destructible Mesh and have another spawn

That’s it! That’s all I want to do. But Unreal isn’t letting me target this for some stupid reason. I’m having issues calling my destructible mesh because I can’t seem to figure out a way to get it to spawn.

I want to destroy a destructible mesh that I’ve created a blueprint for. After it gets destroyed I want it to spawn another one. However, I can’t seem to figure this out.

SO… When I go into my level blueprint and try to figure out a spawn script to get these destructible meshes to spawn, i can’t get the BindEventOnDestroyed to target anything except for “self” and I can’t seem to figure out how to get this.

Could Someone help me spawn a destructible mesh after destroying another one?

Hi, I’m sorry I haven’t got the answer yet. But I with I can be of help. 
Creative Animodel