How Do I Remove Preview From Lighting?

I am having an issue with the Preview being displayed in every part of my maps even after Building the lighting even with Production Quality setting. This may be a two part question so please bear with me. I was having some issues with the lighting flickering due to Map streaming which I thought I had fixed but sure yet. I was wondering if this may be the cause or is it a different thing all together? If so, would some one be kind to help me with a blueprint for the proper setup for different map streaming? I am not that good with Blueprints and I think I may not have mine set up correctly. I am trying to set up a precomputed Ligh![alt text][1]ting system where the interior of the building on different maps that will be set for night lighting and the out doors for Day lighting. using a night/day cycle if possible. I have attached a screenshot of my two blueprints I currently have set up.

Thanks for any tips or help.

Sorry that the picture is attached as a download. The Image options keeps posting double pictures. :frowning:

it’s definitely a build issue as that’s what the preview is referencing. it sounds like your somehow not building all of the lights for everything.

i did find this and this.

i do hope you can get this to work as i’d like to do something similar at some point and it’s clearly a complex process.