How do I prevent actor from leaving an area?

Hello community, hello devs

I have a very dumb question, but I can´t figure it out.

Well, I have a sphere as a static mesh.

Instead of preventing me to leave sphere, it spawn me on top of collision mesh and don´t let me enter it.

How do I reverse this?

I even tried per poly collision. It partly works (it doesn´t spawn me on top of collision mesh), but when I want to leave, it does let me do it. When I want to enter it again, same problem occurs again. I´m getting a collision.

Before someones asks: I have playerstart inside of collision sphere/box/whatever.
I also tried auto convex, but it doesn´t calculate it good enough. I even exported a collision mesh from my 3d modeling package, but problem persists.

I hope someone can help me.

Thank you,
Kind regards,

Hey ,

I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what you are trying to accomplish. You have a sphere that you want player to start inside of? And you’re having trouble getting into or out of sphere? Could you show me what your collision looks like for interior and exterior of sphere? Thanks!

I got it to work somehow. I placed simple boxes around perimeter of sphere in blueprint. It is not most beautiful option, but I will wait for 4.3 release. I read that you will be able to reshape collision boxes.

Anyway, thanks for your time :). I really overcomplicated things. I apologize for that :).