I have a scene capture component as part of a blueprint actor that captures part of my map as an orthographic texture when it’s created/moved.
This capture then calls “create texture (editor only)” and stuffs the texture into a property on the blueprint. (This component is editor-only, but the blueprint is editor-and-game)
When the blueprint instance is created, if the texture property is set, it creates a dynamic material instance and shoves the texture into a parameter of it.
Unfortunately, even though the texture object is created, it doesn’t show up in the editor, and it’s not persisted as part of level save, build, or bake.
I understand how I can create a named texture object (file) and save that out, but that’s not what I want to do – I’m OK with this texture only being accessible as a property of this actor.
How do I properly serialize this texture I create, such that it’s available in the game. (The end goal is to have an easy way to bake the minimap images, without having to render them on game startup.)