How do I make a combo lock and play a matinee scene after?

Im still trying to make this combo lock to get three combo locks to align to play a matinee cut scene where a door opens. I think I need to create a function and then have that update rotation and set a rotation to be a certain degree. Unfortunately I need to set the rotation to update another blueprint where the combo lock is pressed in, if the position is incorrect, it comes back out and plays a tone. I am so confused by this for some reason. Can anybody point me in the right direction it is not going to be updated by a trigger box (which somebody had mentioned to me. So I can only pressume that it has to be an event tick connected to it

This is a bump cause I still have not figured it out. Somebody keeps referring to the content examples blueprint in one of the example maps. but its just not what I am looking for

This seems to be multiple questions rolled up into one, and there is not enough information for anyone to provide a good answer. AnswerHub is primarily intended for very focused single-issue problems.

I’d suggest posting a thread in the Blueprint Visual Scripting forum instead, if you haven’t done so already, to get some discussion going.

I tried that and not much has been said. but it doesn’t matter I had to trash the level anyways.