How do i get/set var from PropertyChangedEvent?

My code is crushing engine

void AUnitCharacteristics::PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent)
   FName PropertyName = (PropertyChangedEvent.Property != nullptr) ? PropertyChangedEvent.Property->GetFName() : NAME_None;

   // Attribute Base Value Has Been Changed
   if ((PropertyName == GET_MEMBER_NAME_CHECKED(FUnitAttribute, BaseValue)))
      UFloatProperty* ChangedProperty = Cast<UFloatProperty>(PropertyChangedEvent.Property);
      float ChangedPropertyValue = ChangedProperty->GetPropertyValue_InContainer(ChangedProperty);

      if (ChangedPropertyValue < AttributeMinimalValue)
         ChangedProperty->SetPropertyValue_InContainer(ChangedProperty, AttributeMinimalValue);

You probably have an infinite loop due to this:

 ChangedProperty->SetPropertyValue_InContainer(ChangedProperty, AttributeMinimalValue); 

Which is probably calling


again, which is calling SetProperty, which is calling postedit, which is :slight_smile:

So you should not be setting property value in posteditchange

Have you tried using

virtual void PreEditChange(UProperty* PropertyThatWillChange) override;


Cause that seems like what you want, to modify the change before it occurs



I got the same result by some reason ;( my head is about to exlode.

should i use “this” as object reference when i set it up?

float ChangedPropertyValue = ChangedProperty->GetPropertyValue_InContainer(ChangedProperty);

If you crash may be because ChangedProperty is nullptr (cast failed).