How do I get a Morph Target change to update physics for per poly collision?

I have a set of morph targets on a skeletal mesh for character creation style body changes, which I need to do measurements on, I’ve been using line traces with the per poly collision. When I change the mesh shape using the morphs targets, any line traces are hitting the original mesh shape and not the morphed mesh polys. Can I get the mesh to update the complex collision or something similar to get this to work?

I’m guessing this isn’t possible. Time to try Unity…

For anyone stumbling upon this through Google: I fixed my per poly collisions not working with morph targets. I read out the vertex positions after baking morph targets and used SkeletalMesh->BodySetup->UpdateTriMeshVertices() to update the collision mesh.

For baking the mesh I used this plugin: Morph Tools Plugin in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace

I guess the same could be done without baking the mesh first.

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