How do i change the trace type(visibility) that the Event ActorOnClicked reacts to

Yikes… lost my question so ill keep it simple this time and save a copy… lol.

I have an Actor with the ActorOnClicked event but it doesnt react if something is blocking it even though it physically shows through(is on top of/drawn on top of but is actually behind it) the other actor. It seems to work on the collision trace type visibility and modifying all other objects is not acceptable for several reasons. Is there any way to make the actors event itself react to a different type or is there a way to get the click to just go through without having to mess with other actors?

The more ive gone through this the less possible this seems(its a “dumb” feature for simple clicking?). requiring me to use a line trace/cast with a new collision trace type just for this special case.

If someone has a solution that would be great, if not ill fall back to choice #2 but i prefer to work through my problems so i learn more, rather then ditching and running from a problem to do something “easy” at the exspense of learning.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Hi there,

the documentation for ActorOnClick does not give away any option to use a different trace channel:

So probably this is a dumb feature and you have to solve it by using a multi line trace.

documentation about this can be found here: