I am new to UE4 but not new to programming. (PLCs, Robots, Vision-Software and other automation stuff)
I started with the “Components and Collision” tutorial with no problem. For the further questions I made an Actor that Orbits around it’s root. No problem so far. But I can’t attach the collidig pawn to my Orbit.
As I figured out you can use AttachToActor or UChildActorComponent.
I couldn’t get it to work with AttachToActor so I tried it as a UChildComponent.
Because of reflection (and blueprint system) system construction time attachment reflected only at engine startup or when you create/inherit new blueprint class from this class… (so in short c++ classes are created when you inherit a new BP class from it)
But since UChildActorComponent is just a component and his job to create a new actor, the newly created actor would be definitly not attached because it would be created at runtime i think (maybe you need reattach it after object is spawned)
BTW ue4 has a huge component system, so if you dont want to use a whole new actor as orbit, you can use lot of other components, like ustaticmeshcomponent…
you can attach this components at construction time and you can work with them