How could I get an Actor's Variables referenced in my HUD BP?

I’ve read through several posts about referencing variables between BP’s but I guess I am still confused.
I need to pull a variable from a Class BP and pull that variable in my HUD BP.
I can easily grab variables from my Character BP via the CAST to MYCharacter.
Is there a way to do that for a BP?
Or what would be the proper way of pulling it.
I’ve already looked at making the ACTOR BP have a Target Blueprint
But I still havent been able to figure out how to pull the variables like I can with the Cast to MYCHARACTER Node.

These variables are coming from my Actor BP


I need to have them where these are. The HUD BP

Blueprint is valid class same as C++ class, there for you can cast it the same way. You can get instance of possessed actor refrence via, Get Player Character node, there many other ways to get refrence of other actors.

I got it to work. I found the Cast to HUD node. Thank you.

Using blueprint interfaces is also an option that lets you reference variables without casting to actors. It lets you keep tidy blueprint graphs.