How can i set different Dynamic material at each intanced foliage actor at runtime?

Hi. Guys.

I have trouble.

I made IntancedFoliageActor by Brush.

I want to change material of each IntancedFoliageActor.

When i changed material of component of IntancedFoliageActor, All was changed.

How can i change material of specific component of IntancedFoliageActor at runtime?

And i want to change collision object type of foliage to WorldDynamic.

Help me, please.

Engine version : 4.7.5

OS : Windows 7

I am not giving you a full answer, but something to consider. I believe it’s possible to destroy a specific instance and spawn a separate actor in its place. This way you’ll have full access to everything on it. I think foliage instances are rather limited due to performance reasons.