How can I put multiple Events of the same category at once?


I was curious that I want to do something like few stuff happening from one event.

For example, On component begin overlap I was to put two different nodes resulting in two different actions happening when picking an object or when Event Begin play I want for an object to make sound, when picked up and then destroy itself but in between I want an action of attraction for example I know how to put the nodes for the attraction but not having another node for the event I don’t know how to make that action without breaking the rest of the nodes…

So how do I do that?

My attraction doesn’t work when having this node system. :confused:

Hey again @Veegvisir!

Can you get a higher-resolution screenshot of the code? Try WinKey + Shift + S to snip and use the snip tool, grab ONLY THE CODE, then Ctrl + V to bring that in. That should get us a better image, because right now it can’t be read. :frowning: BUT I’m thinking I might see the problem, I just need to be able to read it more clearly.