This refers to UE4 4.12.5 for OSX. If I’m working in the material editor and I happen to click in the main editor (to drag in a texture perhaps) the material editor window disappear and is pushed to the back. How can I make the material editor always stay in the front? This behavior does not exist in Windows 10.
You can’t. When you accidentally switch to the main window, press Cmd+~ to go back to material editor. Please note that when you hold the mouse button on a draggable item in a window that’s in the background, this window is not activated (unless you release the mouse button), allowing you to drag items to the front window.
Thanks for replying. This seems like a workaround for a bug. Is there any chance this behavior will be fixed? It seems like it would be such a simple thing to fix or offer an option for. It’s inconsistent with the UE4 Windows behavior and pretty much makes the OSX version an exercise in frustration.
Thanks for replying. This seems like a workaround for a bug. Is there any chance this behavior will be fixed? It seems like it would be such a simple thing to fix or offer an option for. It’s inconsistent with the UE4 Windows behavior and pretty much makes the OSX version an exercise in frustration.
Believe it or not, this is not a bug. There is no reliable way of enforcing certain windows order on screen in OS X that’d work the same as on Windows. Child windows behave much different than on Windows and window levels are too limited.
We had the Windows behavior emulated few versions back, but at the cost of things like Exposé not working with the editor and various small bugs, so in the end we decided to get rid of that and make the editor behave more like a other OS X applications.