how can I "fixe" statics objects to an FBX animation?

hi everyone,
sorry for my English.
I’m new on unreal.
I imported an FBX animation and want “group” other static objects on it.
my goal is that my statics objects follow exactly the same movement of my fbx animation.
I don’t know if it’s possible and i don’t know if it’s the good method.

I don’t know programation.
is there a simple solution for that?

thank you for your time.

Bests regards

Hi there,

If you want to attach static meshes while animating in Sequencer, take a look at these tutorials below:

Use Attach Tracks to pick up and throw a banana in Sequencer. #UE5 #UnrealEngine #Animation - YouTube

If you want to attach at runtime (game mode), you need a bit of code, that can be done with Blueprints, like demonstrated below:

Unreal Engine Attaching a Helmet to your Character - YouTube

How To Add Weapon to Character in Unreal Engine 5 Quick Tutorial - YouTube

wow, thank you.
I want attach statics meshes in sequencer…
it seem simple.

I will try tomorrow.
Thank you very much.
Have a nice evening.

Bests regards.

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hi, ok, i created a sequencer and attached my static mesh to my animated alembic file.
But my static object can’t follow translate and rotate, he is only center on my alembic animation.

Someone know what appens?

thank you for your time

bests regards

Alembic is a cached simulation, so there is no bones to attach to. The examples I listed will only work with animation baked to a skeleton mesh.

ok, i understand.
thank you.
i will try to rig my geometry.

Bests regards