How can I communicate between an Animation Blueprint and a Level Blueprint?

I have a weapon attached to the chest socket of my character. The weapon is a static mesh in the Level.

When clicking the right mouse button the character grabs his weapon and goes into combat mode.
Therefore I have to change the socket the weapon is attached to from the chest socket to the thumb socket.

The animation has a Notification which once reached has to change the socket from chest to thumb.
I tried this so far on the anim blueprint side:


But how can I catch the event on the level blueprint side. I just dont find the solution to it.
Please help.


What I would do is set up the functionality inside the character. Anim blueprints have a try get pawn owner that returns the pawn that is animating from there you can have regular access to the world outside the anim blueprint.

Sorry, I did not understand this.
How would you set this up inside the character?
In my case I have a static mesh in the level that attaches to the chest socket (snap to target) and then I want to attach it to another socket at a certain point of the animation.

Am I thinking the wrong way here? What is the most straightforward way to do this?


Am I thinking the wrong way here?

You might be. In my personal opinion you may want to solve the weapon problem in Character BP by creating a static mesh component in it.

Leaving most of the player related things to Level BP might be a bad idea when things get complicated. Also it is way easier to communicate. Just like Justin.Dooley said, you can use “Try Get Pawn Owner” in anim BP or in Pawn BP you could use “Get Anim Instance” for easily communicating between.