How are structs like FDateTime exposed to blueprints without USTRUCT()?

I am trying to implement a custom time system for my game, and so I decided to make a struct to represent the game date based on the existing FDateTime struct in the engine code. FDateTime is available in blueprints, and I would like my struct to be as well. Normally, exposing a struct to blueprints requires the use of the USTRUCT() tag, but FDateTime doesn’t use it. I can’t seem to figure out how FDateTime is exposed to blueprints. I don’t think it’s limited to FDateTime either: lot’s of built-in structs seem to be doing some behind-the-scenes magic. I feel like I must be missing something significant about blueprint integration. Can anyone please point me in right direction? Thank you in advance!

Look at NoExportTypes.h

Seems to be a middle ground between C++ only while still making it visible to the editor.

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Yes, this is exactly what I was looking for, thank you!

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