Will Epic officially integrate the Oculus Audio SDK in 4.8 ?
I always think audio is a big part of VR experience.
I took a look at the UE4 Roadmap on Trello I didn’t see anything mentioned there. I would love to know what epic’s thoughts are on the subject.
There’s a plugin for both FMOD and WWise that work with UE4 btw guys.
Check out this thread to use the FMOD version: An idiots guide to using the Oculus SDK with FMOD - VR and AR Development - Unreal Engine Forums
Thanks for the info.
I do not know very much about this tools, so what is the pricing model for them? From what I see from they webpages they have a model depending on costs or revenues of the project. Is that the same for the FMOD plugin? Does the use of the FMOD plugin implies the same licensing options than the FMOD webpage offers?
Thanks! Will Epic integrate the Oculus Audio SDK natively?
I think that must be work for Oculus, i don’t known why Oculus still releasing things with Unity support and not for UE4.