Hello everyone, friends. I am working with the Unreal Engine version 5.1.1 and there was such a problem when I create HLOD, having previously done everything by video, for example as in this tutorial everything works out, but only with map sizes of about 2-10km2 HLOD are created - they are not empty and there is a fake terrain. If everything is done on a map of about 50-100km2, then HLODS are created, but they are empty, respectively, there is no fake terrain.
I suspect that everything rests on RAM, I have 64GB of it, perhaps this is not enough. Such a question is it possible to create HLOD pieces from a large map, so that when reassembling it would not affect already created HLODS, so that it would not consume so much RAM?
Maybe it somehow works differently and I misunderstood something, maybe someone has some ideas and experience in creating HLOD on a map with a large world of more than 100km2?
Thank you all in advance.