Edit: This problem went away after I took a break from UEFN and reopened the project the next day, so it must have been a temporary fluke. I made no changes to the project before it fixed itself.
Hey! I’m new to UEFN so this might be user error. This is my first time trying Verse.
(Edit: I’m now remembering that at one point - I don’t remember if it was right before this error - I added a Player Spawn Pad device to my map, from within the client, not the editor. Is there something I need to do to sync changes from the client to the editor?)
I was following Epic’s “Modify and Run Your First Verse Program tutorial (Epic Games ) and I got all the way through testing all of the steps with no problem, but then at the end when I added DeviceScriptLog.Print(“2 + 2 = {2 + 2}”) to the bottom of the script and pressed “Refresh” and Start Game”, I got these error messages in the editor and in the client:
"Failed to stage project modules with errors verse_starter failed to clean temp staging dir [C:/Users/color/AppData/Local/UnrealEditorFortnite/Intermediate/ValkyrieUploadTemp/3aa471ce-423a-e04f-269e-e7a8f4ce06fe] "
“Editor is not connected”
Now the client doesn’t update when I refresh.
I quit the UEFN editor and the client, and restarted them, but the same errors are still there. I press “Tab” for the Log, and the Log is just a blank box, no text.
The problem went away after I took a break from UEFN and reopened it the next day in the same project. So I didn’t personally do anything to fix it but I guess it was a temporary fluke. I had made no changes to the project between it being broken and it working again, so I don’t think the initial issue had to do with anything going on in my project. I should have probably updated this post to reflect that it was solved!
Hi Ray! I don’t actually remember what was going on in the output logs. But after I took a break from UEFN for a day and reopened the project, the problem went away. I didn’t do anything personally to fix it, so it must have been a temporary fluke.
Thank you for the update! We are chasing errors like this now. We are experiencing errors like this internally. The pattern you describe of coming back later and it works is what we’re seeing. So you didn’t do anything wrong but we’re elevating issues like this and the content beacon errors because it’s very disruptive to work.