Hiding something from player camera but still displaying it on a scenecapture2d

I want to have a feature in my game where something can only be seen through a security camera but I can’t find any way of doing this.

Is there any way I can hide something from the player camera but still display it on a scenecapture2d?

Well I figured I could do an effect I’d be happy with using a blendable on the scenecapture2d, but it turns out those don’t work either!

Now I’m trying to work out a fix for it by editing the source code but so far to no avail.

There is apparently a render blacklist for cameras that will prevent certain actors by being rendered by certain cameras, but I unfortunately have yet to find this option. It was supposedly integrated into 4.3.

Me asking for where to find it, but with no response: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/34971/excluding-items-to-be-rendered-separately.html

Another user looking for a similar option and a UE developer saying it was on the way for 4.3: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/34971/excluding-items-to-be-rendered-separately.html

That blacklist unfortunately only exists for Scenecapture actors.

I fixed my problem by diving into the source code, I inserted a new array of extra hidden actors on the player controller and then added a line to append it to the hidden actors array that is built by the game (I assume for occlusion culling purposes).

Now I can insert actors that I don’t want the player to see into the extra actors array using blueprint, works like a charm!

Hi @capnbubs! Could you possibly show how you did this? I don’t have experience going into the source code, but this seems like the only way to do what you’re talking about.