Help)Teleportation on random int(blueprint)

Sorry I didn’t know what the title should be, Anyhow, I’m just doing some personal learning and I came across an issue I couldn’t resolve, Basically what happens is when It rolls a random integer between 1 and 6, It teleports the player by the integer * X400 Y0 Z10 as that puts me in the middle of the box it goes to. It reaches the correct box but when I roll again the next integer puts me back to starting point X0 Y0 Z10 and then proceeds to move me from there so I am always In the range of 1 - 7 with the boxes. I cant seem to find out whats wrong, I know this is quite basic But I’m quite new to the whole thing.

Makes sense judging by the script. If you want to account for the current position (a subsequent roll), you need to add your current position (Get World Location) to the result of the random result and *then *Teleport. Essentially, teleport from *where you are *to where you are + random value.

What do you want to do?

To me you script is fine: whenever you press your input, your character is teleported onto a random square between 1 and 7. Isn’t that what you want?

It doesn’t account for relative location, Y axis on the world location and current character / square location though. But you don’t seem to need it.