[Help] Setup smoky environment with interaction: Nvidia Turbulence? Flex? AMD?

Hello the community,
I’m setting up a scene for my game right now, and would like to achieve a nice cloudy, smoky environment with a cloudy, smoky atmosphere and smoke interaction.
If you have any relevant tutorial, experience to share, guide, SDK advice or whatnot, i’m interested.

There’ll probably be multiple layer of smoke effect and technology involved.

Right now i just grabbed the Flex and Turbulence engine build and will play around with that, but i’m looking for any help and feeding to get it right.

My reference of interaction would be in Batman Arkham City.

I would also like to make such interactive smoke effect appear on wall destruction, but it’s another topic, i guess?

The overall goal is to achieve this kind of cloudy setup:

But with a layer of interaction and a long distance heavy scattering/fog wall like this one:

I’ll probably update this post as i get my scene incrementally better.

Thanks for reading!


Have you tried using the Atmospheric Fog or the Exponential Height Fog located in the visual effects?

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

Exponential height fog and GPU fog/smoke particles. I think its going to work really well. :slight_smile:

Haven’t tried ! I didn’t realize that UE4 had this kind of stuff already in it. Still got some Unity reflexes i guess hehe.

I’ll give it a shot, sounds great.

Thanks for your answers ! I’m still actively learning Unreal Engine, there’s so many things!