[Help] odd crash when opening blueprints

Basically when I open my project and try to open any blueprint i get a access violation crash, but if before opening any blueprint I open a struct that one of my blueprints is referencing the crash no longer happens,

See the video below

any help would be appreciated

Have you tried making a blank project?
What version of the engine are you using?

My suggestion would be to create a new project from scratch, and if that doesn’t work, reinstall the engine, I’m using 4.6 and haven’t had that bug.

It is a issue specific to the project, or more precisely to 3 assets I use,
As i need those assets , I’m trying to understand why it happens and how I could fix it.
It happens in 4.6.1

What are the assets you are having trouble with?

I have a blueprint to handle effects that can be applied on the player, this blueprint contains a struct which holds info about the effect, and it calls a function library, and I have a function library which is called to apply the effect to the player (it spawns the effect and adds it to players effect array), the function library accesses the struct to get which effect blueprint to spawn.

What confuses me is why it doesn’t crash if i open the struct before opening the blueprints

I got around my issue by changing the way I store values… thou still don’t understand why the editor didn’t crash when I opened the asset first…