[help] Making an encyclopedia that spawns certain data

Hello everyone,
I’m trying to make an encyclopedia VR application that uses a user interface to scroll through some dependent multiple comboxes, and gets a specific criteria for something like a search system, and i want to spawn an actor that matches these criteria into the project.

I know some ways but i’m really disoriented where or what method should i use to build-up that system.
and the question here what kind of concept should i use, is it datatables, Data Assets, or maps(dictionary) I’m kinda lost a little bit where to start?

Is there a way to make these criteria search in an entire database and get a specific matching object?

Thank you so much.

is there anyone who can help me with this please?

Please guys someone help me here.

I’ve managed to make a combobox system to get certain criteria or filters, these filters should be used to check in the database of objects and get a certain object that matches these attributes.
I’m clueless now what to do next, is there is a way to spawn a certain actor that matches a certain attributes from this search system ?