Help: Load a Random Blueprint

Hi guys, I followed this great tutorial for create my Door but the Idea for my Project is this: two Doors in same position with two different animation, when I load my level, the Blueprint call in Random mode one of the two Doors. Obviously one excludes the other, in theory I think it is doable. I do not want a simple change of the static mesh, but just a change of Blueprint with all the various components (audio, particles, ecc).
If someone more experienced than me can help me, I would be grateful.

Sorry for my bad English and thank you in advance ^^

Hi man,
Just Enter the Level blueprint (you can do this also addin another actor that does only this)
in the begin event, use the node Random Bool, and connect it to a IF.
Now create 2 spawn actor from class, one for exit of the IF, and click on the trasnform and chhoose Make transform.
Now you have to fill the position and rotation and scale of the door that will be placed there.
just place your blueprint in to the level, and copy at hand the values of these in the level blueprint.
Delete the Blueprint door in the level.

Now when the game start, the game will randomize a 0, or a 1, and will choose 1 door to spawn in the correct position