Help "Behavior Tree Quick Start Guide".

I’ve been following the “Behavior Tree Quick Start Guide” and I’ve gotten to step 11 and found a problem…

You can’t find (Event Receive Condition Check)… did some searching and found this: HERE
I did this and hopefully this will work but when I move to step 12 the page links back to step 10… So I can’t finish the Behavioral Tree :frowning:

Can anyone help me out here?

Same thing happened to me.

I did a workaround by getting the google cache version of the webpage.
You can do a google search for “Behavior Tree quick start guide 12” and click on the cache link (little green down pointing arrow on the right side), not the live one.

Here’s my shortcut to the search result:

You can also see the final tree here:

Hope that helps, and UE team to fix the doc.

I do report mistaken pages to Epic documentation team and i am sure they’ll fix it quickly.

Hi Sanction, thanks for bringing this to our attention. I have reported this (UEDOC-1390) and it should be corrected soon. This has been reported on the AnswerHub here and when corrected, that post will be updated:

Thanks a lot everyone! Now I can go back and finish that tutorial!