[HELP] [BEGINNER] Impossible to move my character

Hello everyone,
I’m new to the world of Unreal Engine. I have a simple problem to solve but I can’t find the solution.
I have a list of positions in an excel, and I retrieve through this blueprint this position according to an index and I update a variable in my blackboard.


After that, I try to move my character with the Move To behavior, but he doesn’t move.


When I try to debug, I have the position that is updated but when I switch to MoveTo, nothing happens… :frowning:


So I think that my method to retrieve the position works but not the one to move which is provided by Unreal Engine.

I’ve set the acceptable Radius to the maximum to prevent it from causing a problem.

And when I test this method with a random move instead of taking a position in my list, my character moves well.

Do you have an idea or a suggestion?

Thanks a lot !


Acceptable radius means how close the AI needs to be to the target location for the move to node to succeed. So if you set it to 100, then the AI will stop when it is closer than 100 unreal units (1 meter) to its target location. So if you set that to a very large number, the AI won’t move, since it already is close enough to the target location.
[HR][/HR]So if the AI is also not moving when you set the “acceptable radius” to something like 1meter, then

Most likely the positions in your list don’t lie on the navmesh, so the AI can’t reach them and therefore won’t move to them. So make sure that your positions are correct (you can also try to project them onto the navmesh ProjectPointToNavigation | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation)


Thanks a lot for your answer ! It’s working now ! I’m so happy :slight_smile: