Health Bar Not Working.

Ok, I had a bunch or ui widget blueprints so i decided to cut down a bit and as some stuff to a “Main Ui” blueprint stuff like Inventory,Ammo,Health. And everything works but the health. For some reason when i created the health Progress bar and set a Bind on the percentage then got my health variable. It does not work it just stays unfilled and gives me an error. is there something i did wrong or is this a bug?.


It may be an issue with your character ref. Try a “get player character” “cast to” your character and drag your get from it. If it works then trouble was from your reference.

Ok, It works when i do it that way. But why will it not work with the reference?.

Character Reference needs to be set like other variables (as it can refer to another character in multi player), then you need to set on event begin play, or use the usual “get player” “cast to”

Oh, Ok thanks!