having trouble getting Text on screen

I’m trying to get text to appear on screen at the start of my level but so far all tutorials ive watched use outdated versions that have a different interface, ive tried widgets and could get them to work. I’m a beginner for the most part. I want to set text to a trigger box but I cant seem to find any simple text to screen tutorials that are catered for 4.16.1.

help would be massively appreciated!

I suggest you to look at some tutorials first like “Blueprint Introduction” by Epic Games. But regarding your system:

Each spawned blueprint is an element in the game world.

Each element has a set of properties (functions and variables).

In your case, I guess (since it’s a bit unclear) you have 4 elements:

  • the HUD
  • the Box
  • the Controller (displaying the HUD, the HUD is a property of the Controller)
  • the Character (which holds the “Gold” property)

For the sake of simplicity we’re going to consider that our character is the one displaying the HUD so we won’t care about the Controller.

When the Character walks into the Box, you want to increase a variable on your Character (let’s say Gold +1).
When the gold changes, you want your HUD to display it.

So, the box needs to know who stepped into it (the BeginOverlap event gives you an “Overlapped Actor” which you will need to cast into your type of Character).
Then the Character needs to have a reference to its HUD to tell him to update the gold amount (when you create the HUD, you can store it into a variable and then use it whenever you need).
Or the HUD needs to have a reference to its owning Character and automatically bind the text to the “Gold” property of the Character (the Character can give him a direct reference when he creates it).