This is much easier to show than explain so I made a short video demonstrating my two issues.
ISSUE 1: Disabling / unsetting bShowMouseCursor doesn't seem to undo everything that setting bShowMouseCursor does (IE setting bShowMouseCursor enables the mouse and starts tracking it, unsetting bShowMouseCursor just hides it).ISSUE 2: Mouse doesn’t even show up in the play in editor views. Only in standalone.
I know this has come up but the solutions seemed very hacky. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
// Called to bind functionality to input
void AVehicleEditorPawn::SetupPlayerInputComponent(class UInputComponent * InputComponent)
IE_Pressed, this, &AVehicleEditorPawn::SecondaryPressed);
IE_Released, this, &AVehicleEditorPawn::SecondaryReleased);
// ...
void AVehicleEditorPawn::Tick(float DeltaTime)
static auto * const PlayerController = GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController();
// Enable / disable cursor based on Secondary
PlayerController->bShowMouseCursor = !SecondaryCurrentlyPressed;
PlayerController->bEnableClickEvents = !SecondaryCurrentlyPressed;
PlayerController->bEnableMouseOverEvents = !SecondaryCurrentlyPressed;
// ..
// Secondary Pressed
void AVehicleEditorPawn::SecondaryPressed()
SecondaryCurrentlyPressed = true;
// Secondary Released
void AVehicleEditorPawn::SecondaryReleased()
SecondaryCurrentlyPressed = false;