I’m having a great amount of difficulty making click events work in UMG. A lot of the buttons in my game need to speak to the lev el blueprints since most of the game’s functionality is in there. Here’s what I want to do:
Click button in a UMG Widget
Speak to Level Blueprint and execute event there
I’m having trouble understanding Event Dispatchers and using Direct BP Communications, which I assume are needed to pull this off. I’ve looked up a lot of documentation on this and I still don’t understand how to do this. Can anyone give me a decent explanation of how this is done? I would greatly appreciate it.
Here is one way to do it.
It is not event dispatcher but I like it well enough.
Create your widget with button - no code required in widget at all.
then create the nodes in image in your level blueprint.
thank you Podgyhodgy ,for your precious help. Now it also works by simplifying everything … and only because you have confirmed to me that I was not doing everything wrong and the concept was basic equal to quant opensavo.
I “touched” the PC_VR widget of the product view … and as soon as I clicked descktop … my dispacher stopped working …
but if you didn’t convince me that the road was right or similar … I was still searching!
I have been helped a lot so I am pleased to be able to help you.
Now, you should do this also, to check if your widget already exists in memory even if hidden. Otherwise you will create many widgets all the same type.