Hand off players to another server seamlessly

Hi All,

I’m curious if there is a way to hand off players to another server seamlessly?

For example, one server is running Map1 and another server is running Map2 and the player characters have “portal” to go between the two servers, but to them it is just running down a hall, but they are really being handed off between two servers.

Is this possible?


Technically yes,the hall could be a singleplayer map the players freely roam whilst the data is being fed to the new server,and once its done,the mp map is loaded.but i have no idea if there is an implemented method of migrating game states,etc so you may have to code it yourself

I’m trying to figure out if I don’t have to implement it myself :slight_smile: Thanks for the input though!

If you need to implement it by yourself there are plenty of projects / snippets / etc you can look at which implement this.
Perhaps you could request this feature to the Epic team, its actually a pretty mandatory feature for MP non-dedicated servers.

Where are these snippets? On the wiki or else where?

Not UE4 related… Google is your friend^^

You could try to modify the process for swaping host mid game.
If the listening server gets disconnected or quits, server gets changed then.

Have a look and see whats going on there maybe give you some ups and downs of the task.