GlobalShaderCache-PC3D_SM5.bin is missing

I had this same error when building the engine from source (4.11) and launching the editor.

To solve when launching my C++ project from Visual Studio 2015, I built the following:

  • Development Win64
  • DebugGame Win64
  • Development Editor Win64

And then Debug->Start without debugging with Development Editor Win64.

For building for Android I needed JAVA_HOME set to JDK8 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_73. Reboot after setting JAVA_HOME. And I set the Android SDK/NDK API level to 21.

I have the same problem. Have you resolved it?

I figure it out. you must cook your project using particular editor. ex: if you want to use “debuggame” mode to debug your project, you must cook your project using “debuggame editor” mode.

what is “cook” ?

what is the “cook” and how do I do it?

Thank you! This did the trick for me in 4.15.

check this out

You need run “Cook Content For Windows”, then the file should be created and everything is ok!

same issue 4.8
DebugGame mode

I got this error when I tried using “ProjRoot”/Binaries/Win64 instead of “ProjRoot”/Saved/StagedBuilds/WindowsNoEditor. Probably not the most brilliant mistake.

If anyone else runs into this the answer is in post #3.

Ok, DebugGame Editor In Vs2019 solved this problem

hello neighbor mod kit has the same problem

Do what you see fit to install SCD3D_SM5