GIsAutomationTesting blocks proper GameClass initialization from a test

[FONT=courier new]World.cpp : 2782
if ( !GameClass )
if( GIsAutomationTesting )
// fall back to raw GameMode if Automation Testing, as the shared engine maps were not designed to use what could be any developer default GameMode
GameClass = AGameMode::StaticClass();
// fall back to overall default game type
GameClass = StaticLoadClass(AGameMode::StaticClass(), NULL, *UGameMapsSettings::GetGlobalDefaultGameMode(), NULL, LOAD_None, NULL);

[SIZE=2]It took a while to find this and figure out why launching PIE from the LevelEditorToolbar yields different results from launching it in a test. This looks quite shady and that comment is obscure enough as to not help decide if there’s any issue with removing the check (removing it makes launching PIE from a test actually work as expected - spawning actors and using the assigned game mode). Is this actually needed/still relevant? Could this be handled any better?