Gimbal lock in Rotation system

If we rotate an object which starts at rotation identity and adjust its Pitch, when it reached 90 degrees we hit Gimbal Lock.
EDIT: [“Given the lack of Quaternion support functions in Verse, I don’t currently see a way around this.”] ApplyPitch does not suffer from this issue. Can the same implementation be carried over so we can calculate angles without fear when using MakeRotationFromYawPitchRoll() ?


rotation_test := class(creative_device):
    @editable Prop : creative_prop = creative_prop {}

        Print("Start rotation_test")

    TurnPitch(TurnDegrees : float):void=
        Transform := Prop.GetTransform()
        Position := Transform.Translation
        Rotation := Transform.Rotation

        Print("TurnPitch Initial Rotation {ToString(Rotation)}")

        YPR := Transform.Rotation.GetYawPitchRollDegrees()
        if (Yaw := YPR[0], Pitch := YPR[1], Roll := YPR[2]):
            Print("Yaw {Yaw} Pitch {Pitch} Roll {Roll}")

            NewPitch := Pitch + TurnDegrees
            Print("New Pitch {NewPitch}")

            NewRotation := MakeRotationFromYawPitchRollDegrees(Yaw, NewPitch, Roll)

            Print("Setting new Rotation {ToString(NewRotation)}")
            if (Prop.TeleportTo[Position, NewRotation]):
                AfterTransform := Prop.GetTransform()
                AfterRotation := AfterTransform.Rotation
                Print("After rotation {ToString(AfterRotation)}")
                Print("Unable to teleport to {Position}, {ToString(NewRotation)}")
            Print("could not get default YPR")


[2023.05.01-23.51.05:921][974]LogVerse: : TurnPitch Initial Rotation Axis: {x=0.000000,y=-1.000000,z=0.000000} Angle: 89.000000
[2023.05.01-23.51.05:922][974]LogVerse: : Yaw 0.000000 Pitch 89.000000 Roll 0.000000
[2023.05.01-23.51.05:923][974]LogVerse: : New Pitch 90.000000
[2023.05.01-23.51.05:924][974]LogVerse: : Setting new Rotation Axis: {x=0.000000,y=-1.000000,z=0.000000} Angle: 90.000000
[2023.05.01-23.51.05:925][974]LogVerse: : After rotation Axis: {x=-0.000000,y=1.000000,z=-0.000000} Angle: 270.000000
[2023.05.01-23.51.05:956][978]LogVerse: : TurnPitch Initial Rotation Axis: {x=-0.000000,y=1.000000,z=-0.000000} Angle: 270.000000
[2023.05.01-23.51.05:957][978]LogVerse: : Yaw -180.000000 Pitch 90.000000 Roll 180.000000
[2023.05.01-23.51.05:958][978]LogVerse: : New Pitch 91.000000
[2023.05.01-23.51.05:959][978]LogVerse: : Setting new Rotation Axis: {x=-0.000000,y=1.000000,z=-0.000000} Angle: 271.000000
[2023.05.01-23.51.05:959][978]LogVerse: : After rotation Axis: {x=0.000000,y=-1.000000,z=0.000000} Angle: 89.000000
[2023.05.01-23.51.05:983][981]LogVerse: : TurnPitch Initial Rotation Axis: {x=0.000000,y=-1.000000,z=0.000000} Angle: 89.000000
[2023.05.01-23.51.05:984][981]LogVerse: : Yaw 0.000000 Pitch 89.000000 Roll 0.000000
[2023.05.01-23.51.05:985][981]LogVerse: : New Pitch 90.000000

Expected behaviour:
Gimbal lock should not happen.
But if it must happen, it should be handled more effectively and not prevent pitch from advancing past 90.

Using Quaternions throughout the rotation system entirely solves this issue due to the extra dimension.