I made a destructible in PhysX Lab, I imported it into a new first person shooter template, and set it in the scene.
I did the basic set ups that everyone has said to do: change collision preset to custom, then collision enabled to collision enabled, then object type to destructible, and set Projectile to overlap…
Then I opened the FirstPersonProjectile blue print and changed collision presets to custom, collision enabled to collision enabled, object type to projectile, then Destructible to overlap.
However, all the bullet does is bounce off the object and does no damage unless I was RIGHT in front of the object… I have tried messing around with enabling physics simulation (this just caused my bullet to send the object flying into a wall, which did shatter it…).
I don’t get why making these changes are not working when a google search of this problem returns countless posts of people saying this is what you must do. I noticed that the basic FirstPersonProjectile blueprint you get with the template specifically says “pushes physics objects.” This made it clear why it sent my destructible flying…
So how do I get the bullet to actually do DAMAGE to the destructible object?
**I am completely new to Unreal Engine and blueprints, I am not trying to do anything fancy right now in Unreal Engine, I just want to shoot at a destructible object I made in PhysX and have it crumble apart as I shoot it.
Thanks for any help!