I have some problems with Collision Detection using the GetOverlappingActors Node.
Maybe I just dont really get what it is supposed to be doing (blueprint beginner with almost no coding experience) but let me try to explain what I want to do first:
I want to make a simple puzzle game with tiles which you can click to rotate them 90° on connected Edges.
The basic functionality works but I would like to track which edges are connected to other tiles in order to only allow correct rotation when the player interacts with them.
So I created box collisions on each side of the tile in my blueprint and one for the tile itself, the later is also used to track if the player is standing on top of the tile which works like a charm (onBeginOverlap).
For the collisions on the edges BeginOverlap does not work since they are already overlapping when the game starts so I thought I use the GetOverlappingActors node and look at how many actors it finds using a length node.
This is triggered at game start and every time a tile is moved.
Somehow this gives completely unexpected results, sometimes it works sometimes it does not.
While testing with a single tile it worked for all 4 directions, now that I have multiple tiles in the level it only gives me false results, removing some makes it work for some but not for other tiles.
I have no idea what I am doing wrong, it would be great if somebody would be able to help me.
(Im open to different methods of solving the actual problem too)
If further information’s are needed to help me I would gladly share them.
Thank you for your time.