so I’ve been moving a bunch of things to C++ recently and I noticed that the GetCurveValue() function of the animation instance class (or in this case specifically my custom subclass of it) doesn’t return anything other than zero when called from a native event override (eg. the native override for the post evaluation tick) or from another class. It works just fine when done in a function that is then being called from the animation blueprint though, which leaves me wondering why it isn’t working otherwise as this doesn’t seem to be an issue by the function call itself. Is there something I missed about how to use the GetCurveValue() call from within a native event override of the animation instance class or is this genuinely broken?
I’m using stock UE 4.26.2.
I think we’ll need to see some code/BP snippets to help further.
Well there isnt really much code to show regarding that, I’ve literally ended just printing the result of GetCurveValue() to the screen and it kept being zero while the same thing gives correct values when done in a function called by the animation blueprint.
I literally can’t visualize what your code is looking like or get an idea of the framework you’re trying to use without a picture, or something.
I’ll just make a small test project for this real quick and then post it here.
Oh ffs today it’s working after spending two hours trying to figure out whats going on yesterday and making the test project i just did. I imagine some weird corruption was going on then, which is somehow solved by the fact that i just wiped the entire class and redid it after nothing was working.
I’ll keep an eye on it to see if it decides to break again but weird enough that it worked on first try now.