So your touche pas variable is on your hover component, and your hover vehicle wants to access it?
Is the hover component part of your hover vehicle?
You need to set a target to the “target” input on the “get touche pas”-node that you have on your hover blueprint. The target needs to be your hover component. Otherwise Unreal Engine will not know where to find the variable, unless “hover vehicle” *also *has a “touche pas” variable. Then it will just take *that *one instead of the one on your hover component, because you told it to use the “touche pas” from “target self”.
You also said that you tried to make a variable of type “hover component”. But did you actually give the variable any value?
A variable of a class type will not contain an item of that class. It will contain a *reference *to an item of that class. It’s not enough to tell your friend to go to a house - you need to tell him the address of the house.
The tricky part is to find a good moment to give your variable the correct reference.
If the hover component is already a child of hover vehicle, you can just tell it to “get parent”, then set the “hover component reference” variable on the parent to “self”. (Because “self” in this case would be the hover component)
But that’s probably unnecessary.
There is a variety of ways of accessing your variable, depending on what you did:
The easiest way, if you already have the component attached to your vehicle in the editor, instead of during gameplay, is to just drag it from the list of components into your blueprint. This gives you the reference.
Afterwards just drag from the reference and type the name of the variable that you want.
If you added the component during gameplay, you need to have a reference variable. So when you add the component from the hover vehicle’s blueprint:
You can just drag from the “add” node to take the reference and input it into the reference variables.
I created two reference variables, to show you casting:

“Test reference” is of type “test”, so I can just drag from it and get to the TestVariable.
“Test reference general” is of type “actor component”. Test is an actor component, so it can be saved as an actor component variable, but a camera or a gun is also an actor component. Unreal Engine does not know what you saved inside of this, it only knows that it’s an actor component.
So if you want to get a variable that only “test” has, you need to use the “cast to” node. When you cast to type test, the engine checks if “test reference general” contains a reference to an object of type test. If the variable is of that type, the cast will work. If it isn’t, “success” will be false and you cannot access the variable.
So if you accidentally save a reference to a camera in your “Test Reference General” and try to get the variable “TestVariable” from the camera, even though cameras do not have a variable “TestVariable”, the game will not crash. It will just skip that instruction.
It will also prevent you from getting the variable “TestVariable” from something that has the variable “TestVariable”, but is not of class “test”. (For example, imagine getting the “identification” variable from a house, which will be its house number. But you accidentally try to get “identification” from a car instead, which is a license plate. If you cast to house, you won’t accidentally load a license plate)