I have made a multiplayer game with a working save/load player name system using a standard SaveGame BP.
I want to be able to print to screen the name of other players when playing. I have a working cursorOverlap-event in the player character mesh, calling the saved name but this of course only displays my own name in each game instance.
I have a feeling I shouldn’t trigger this from the character mesh maybe, but I’m also a bit lost here. Have tried googling but can’t really find anything about triggering saved data from another player. Does this data have to be on a dedicated server to be displayed?
Hope this doesn’t come across as too confusing.
Thanks for reading and if you have any clues, please let me know.
Whatever is the name of the player just make a string of it and do this in the save game also with a string variable and just save and load it or you can just cast it.
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Thanks! I figured it out after a while. Guess I was just lazy asking here.