Generating code project fails everytime on Linux.

I managed to get this kind of working earlier, but a few days later I no longer am able to generate code projects successfully. (Think a system restore broke something. I might need to change permissions on opt.) When the project gives up on generating Sublime Text opens MyProject.workspace file, and it looks like it’s formatted for CodeLite_Workspace, despite having the ini file set for KDevelop. I went ahead and generated a version of the editor for CodeLite, and that doesn’t seem to work correctly either. I ended up doing a full reinstall of Unreal.

I followed the normal steps to build the project initially, and then added the KDevelopCodeAccessor to the Linux.ini file, and recompiled UE4Editor. I’m able to get a Blueprint project up, and running and it show the source code editor as KDevelop 4.x (I have 4.7.3 installed)

Distribution: Arch

C/C++ compiler: Clang 3.5

Kernal: 4.5.4-ck

Running the editor from the console doesn’t give any meaningful output. Currently, I’m compiling the UE4Edtior-Linux-Debug target.

Could I have the wrong permissions set for opt? Any other possible reasons the project won’t generate?