I have a PostGIS database containing Buldings, trees, street furniture and other urban design components in form of POLYHEDRAL Z surfaces.
I want to be able to render these objects at runtime. For connecting to the PostgreSQL database, I used a plugin NetDB which is available on the marketplace.
I know that procedural mesh component can be used to generate mesh at runtime, however I find it difficult to connect it to the postgres string result I can achieve using the following SQL command SELECT objType,ST_AsText(geom) AS textGeom FROM PUBLIC."3dobj" ; ;
This returns a string like
POLYHEDRALSURFACE Z (((100 200 -100,-100 200 -100,-100 200 100,100 200 100,100 200 -100)),((100 -200 100,100 200 100,-100 200 100,-100 -200 100,100 -200 100)),((-100 -200 100,-100 200 100,-100 200 -100,-100 -200 -100,-100 -200 100)),((-100 -200 -100,100 -200 -100,100 -200 100,-100 -200 100,-100 -200 -100)),((100 -200 -100,100 200 -100,100 200 100,100 -200 100,100 -200 -100)),((-100 -200 -100,-100 200 -100,100 200 -100,100 -200 -100,-100 -200 -100)))
for a cuboid (representing a building for now)
How should I proceed from this.
I am using UE4.27.2 and postgres 14 with a PostGIS extension
An example database would look like: