General issues (polycount limit? render quality?)


I was testing the demo before making the purchase, to try to see if it's going to run properly and to see what the final results would be, and I ran into a few problems:

  • When importing models of high polycount the software freezes and crashes. I'm talking about 5-10 million polygons. Now I understand that's quite demanding but Blender can handle it quite well on my computer. Is it just too much for Twinmotion? It wouldn't appear so from what I've seen in some renders (I've seen entire cities or big surfaces full of vegetation without any signs of performance issues). I have a Ryzen5 - 48gb RAM - Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060. Would I need more powerful hardware to aim at working with such polycounts in Twinmotion?
  • I can't seem to obtain the render quality that I've seen on some other users' out there. Specially when it comes to fences (both done with geometry or with alpha textures) which seem to fade away unless the camera is very close. Image is grainy even with the denoiser activated and more anti-aliasing seems to make the image too blurry. I followed video instructions and tried the same settings but can't quite get there.

Thanks in advance.

Hello ,

Thank you for posting in the community regarding Twinmotion requirements. If you are going to be working in medium to large scene we would recoimmend the high end configuration highlighted in our requirements page found here:

The most critical hardware for Twinmotion is the video card and the VRAM it has, then the RAM for the computer. Make sure to compare the benchmarks for the GPU and CPU from the links provided in the System requirements article.

In regards to the rendering quality issue I would need to look at your fence examples so I can best respond. Would it be possible to paste screen-shot of the issue? If you are using the Trial version you are limited to 2K quality so it could be that you are having limitations with Path Tracer quality because of that.

You can also ask for help in the facebook community many users would be happy to help share their settings as well.

Kind regards,

Vincent B.

Hello Vincent.

Regarding the high end requirements I meet them all except for the system memory (RAM).

  • 12gb VRAM and >15k benchmark score is recommended for the GPU and I have an RTX 3060 with 12gb of VRAM and +20k benchmark score. ✔️
  • 2500 benchmark score is recommended for the CPU and mine has +3300 ✔️
  • 64gb is recommended for RAM and I have 48gb ❌️ (although, for the most part, it uses only 60% except when I try to import a larger scene which causes it to go up to 80% for a few minutes and then 99% to finally crash).

The goal is to be able to do what's seen in the demos. Fluently sculpt the terrain, paint it with vegetation and obtain quick and elegant results. So far it either crashes or slows down dramatically (with big files, with smaller files it works smoothly).

Regarding the fence, I post a double picture:

TESTOn the left you'll be able to see that it looks like the fence turned negative. Only a few dots are seen, although this only happens when using the library material (grid) or when the fence is small (just in animations).

I tried increasing anti-aliasing to 6 because the effect looks odd but what I obtained is the blurriness seen on the right. Path tracing is activated, depth of field disabled.

Thank you very much for your time and patience. Much appreciated.

Best regards.