I have a template project (literally, the VR template, with the Blueprint errors fixed) set to build for Gear VR. I believe I have everything configured correctly: osigs in three different directories, Oculus plugin enabled, manifest set to deploy for VR.
I got over (I believe) all the Android hurdles (I can build and run a 2D application, or build my VR app for 64-bit, which will run, just monoscopic).
The VR build (for 32 bit) just will not launch. On the Android side “nothing happens”, and on the Unreal side, if I use the launcher, I get repeated message that it’s waiting for the server.
What is the laaaaast little ingredient I’m missing? I’ve searched all over the place-- any relevant pages I find are many versions old (either of Unreal, or of Oculus).
Sounds like maybe you don’t have" package in single apk" ticked in your android settings. GearVR does not work with OBB files. If it’s not that then maybe you have the GoogleVR plugin enabled? This must be disabled.
You are correct-- I am not packaged in a single APK! I will definitely try that and report back!
Only the Oculus plugin is set, though-- I did catch that one earlier!
EDIT: Same result-- couldn’t post another comment. I posted below.
Sadly, still the same result.
Do you have a working set of .ini’s I might take a look at? I can diff them with mine.
Here is what I’m getting when I run… this is the tail end of the command line window:
[2017.10.14-23.54.25:850][ 0]LogAssetRegistryGenerator: Display: Done saving asset registry.
[2017.10.14-23.54.25:889][ 0]LogFileServer: Warning: Unreal Network File Server starting up...
[2017.10.14-23.54.25:913][ 0]LogFileServer: Display: Unreal Network File Server is ready for client connections on!
[2017.10.14-23.54.25:915][ 0]LogFileServer: Warning: Unreal Network Http File Server starting up...
[2017.10.14-23.54.25:921][ 0]LogFileServer: Display: Unreal Network File Http Server is ready for client connections on port 41898
[2017.10.14-23.54.25:932][ 0]LogCookCommandlet: Display: GC...
And then, in the Project Launcher window, it hangs after…
[2017.10.14-23.54.25:851][ 0]LogAssetRegistryGenerator: Display: Done saving asset registry.
[2017.10.14-23.54.25:891][ 0]LogFileServer: Warning: Unreal Network File Server starting up...
[2017.10.14-23.54.25:902][ 0]LogInit: WinSock: I am GLaDOS (
[2017.10.14-23.54.25:913][ 0]LogFileServer: Display: Unreal Network File Server is ready for client connections on!
[2017.10.14-23.54.25:915][ 0]LogFileServer: Warning: Unreal Network Http File Server starting up...
[2017.10.14-23.54.25:932][ 0]LogFileServer: Display: Unreal Network File Http Server is ready for client connections on port 41898
[2017.10.14-23.54.25:932][ 0]LogCookCommandlet: Display: GC...
<>c__DisplayClass60_0.<RunClientWithServer>b__0: Waiting for server to start....
<>c__DisplayClass60_0.<RunClientWithServer>b__0: Waiting for server to start....
It will just repeat this forever. Tapping the app manually doesn’t do anything on my Note 8. Previously, if I built for my Note 5, I would at least get the screen to insert the device into the Gear VR, but once I did, I had just a black screen.