Game engine : NetGuidMismatch error "Path mismatch."

Hi , we met this issue about lots of NetGuidMismatch error with error message “Path mismatch.”
one of the whole error message is here:

“NetGuidMismatch,Pathmismatch.Path: AttrModifyComponent,Expected:AttrMolifyComponent”

and the path value is right while Expected value is error accordding to our project.

sometimes ,we get another errors like:

“NetGuidMismatch,Path mismatch.Path: building_8u_yu,Expected:building_xu_yu”

This time, the expected value is right, while the path value is error.

The souce code here:

* Associates a net guid with a path, that can be loaded or found later
* This function is only called on the client
void FNetGUIDCache::RegisterNetGUIDFromPath_Client( const FNetworkGUID& NetGUID, const FString& PathName, const FNetworkGUID& OuterGUID, const uint32 NetworkChecksum, const bool bNoLoad, const bool bIgnoreWhenMissing )

    // If we find this guid, make sure nothing changes
    if ( ExistingCacheObjectPtr != NULL )

        if ( ExistingCacheObjectPtr->PathName.ToString() != PathName )// this is the source where the error message comes from
            UE_LOG( LogNetPackageMap, Warning, TEXT( "FNetGUIDCache::RegisterNetGUIDFromPath_Client: Path mismatch. Path: %s, Expected: %s, NetGUID: %s" ), *PathName, *ExistingCacheObjectPtr->PathName.ToString(), *NetGUID.ToString() );

So we do not known what happens in the game engine. Anyone can explain it ??